
It's Christmas Eve

And the only reason I find myself in a good mood at the moment, is because of conversations I had last night. Provided great smiles from me, which was nice. I came home last night from my Aunt's party, only to find out what I had thought were my plans for the evening, actually were not happening. I was pretty bummed.

But a Mr. Andrew Knox asked me to tell him a story last night, which ended up being a rough outline of my life story, with concentrations on relationships and traumatic events. I told him things not many know about, and it felt good. And he then told me stories, trusting me with information. And after sharing stories, we just kept talking.

I tell you, it was really nice to sit and talk to someone for such a long period of time, with no awkward pauses or random breaks in conversation. It was steady, for a good two hours or so.

I haven't smiled so much in one sitting in quite a while. It was great.

Friday I have the entire day and night off. Knox and I are spending my day off together. Bunch of shenanigans, no doubt. Followed by some food and a movie and more sweet hangouts. I think perhaps for the movie, I'll see if my brother would like to go, because it's his birthday. We'll see.

But I'm telling you. I'm wondering if I'm getting the run-a-round from someone.
Time will tell.

Merry Christmas folks.

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