
Christmas is almost here

I am somewhat excited, yet still not really excited for it.

I'm excited to give people their presents and see if they like them, but I dunno. Holidays have always been kind of funny for me.

Christmas Eve will be at my Grams, and after the party I will be going to my Dad's for the night. After Christmas morning at his house, I will stop by Gram's to say Merry Christmas to her and my mom, then go home to do more Christmas stuff at Lorri and Gary's that afternoon.

Perhaps seeing my bubs that night? I can only hope.

Things seem to be going pretty well. We talk like normal most of the time. I am comfortable being around him again. In fact, I haven't felt this comfortable around him in a while. I feel at ease when I see him, rather than a nervous wreck. There was mention of a possible going out to dinner sometime soon last week.

Let's see how things go. I won't lie, I still have a fragment of hope. I still smile like no one else has ever made me because of him.

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