
Playing "Catch-Up"

So I'm slowly getting around to catching up with all the photos that have been taken the past few weeks. Still haven't gotten to camping ones, I apologize. Maybe this weekend!? But these next few are from a few Sundays ago, when Mike, Tracey, Davey, Adam, and I went out for hang-over Sunday breakfast at Bickford's, and then went to the mall so Davey and Adam could buy dress clothes. This is what proceeded to happen! :

The car ride there..

Dancin' Fools!

It's the bombest bombest bombest!

The poor man's version of PhotoBooth

He has cat eyes in this.. creepy!

Sittin' around!

That's all. : ]

Also, I started work this week. Since Monday I've been there 12-7ish each day. Tomorrow I'll be there 8-4. [Ew, waking up so early on Saturday] I can't wait for Sunday, my first day off in 6 days. It shall be wonderful! I can sleep in! YAY!

I'm in the process of adding color to my hair, and my time is up. So I bid you farewell for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.