
Hooray Pictures!!

So here's a bunch of pictures from the past few weeks events. I've cut my hair, as you can see by the first few. Still haven't gotten to the camping pics, but soon, I swear.

Bodagendogg Adventures!
The Bogdagendogg Brothers get Mike worked up...

So he knocks me out : ]

Time to get serious!

What do we have here? IS THAT JAMES?!

Prop preparation.. Mike looks so happy : ]

Wii Mii

Stonybrook smiles : ]

Aw, aren't we cute. *GAG*

Ew, Kisses. Who likes those?!

Me and Nickie Cage, talkin' shit!

And the Betch comes out again!

"Aw man, I'm so hammered... I just want to go home.."


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