
Weekend-long Celebrations!

The Betch done got herself a full-time job!

I had an interview this morning at 8am with Dependable Cleaners, and at the end of the interview, I was offered the job on the spot! It's full-time work, and I'm coming in at an ideal time- the woman recently took over this location, and wants to double the amount of work we get over the next year, so I'm coming in and growing with the company. It's awesome. And it's long-term work, filled with opportunities to go higher up on the ladder of success. I'm so stoked! I start on Monday. I'll be working Monday through Friday, 12-7. Awesome hours!

So, to celebrate, Mike and I are going out with Tracey and Dave for dinner and bowling, and some drinks of course! Lorri has provided Tracey and I with 11 Jello-Shots [yum!] and the boys might have a mini-keg from Gary tonight. The mini-keg might not be available til tomorrow night though. We'll see.

And tomorrow night I shall celebrate again! Costume party in Grafton, and I'll see Dana and Jill!

Everything is perfect now. I've got the boy<3, I've got the friends, and now I've got the job! Awesome!

...This weekend will be amazing, I can't wait!


Hooray Pictures!!

So here's a bunch of pictures from the past few weeks events. I've cut my hair, as you can see by the first few. Still haven't gotten to the camping pics, but soon, I swear.

Bodagendogg Adventures!
The Bogdagendogg Brothers get Mike worked up...

So he knocks me out : ]

Time to get serious!

What do we have here? IS THAT JAMES?!

Prop preparation.. Mike looks so happy : ]

Wii Mii

Stonybrook smiles : ]

Aw, aren't we cute. *GAG*

Ew, Kisses. Who likes those?!

Me and Nickie Cage, talkin' shit!

And the Betch comes out again!

"Aw man, I'm so hammered... I just want to go home.."




So since last night I have been emotionally charged. Like, there have been a few times where I've been ready to break down and cry, over literally nothing.

Last night I was doing a lame myspace survey, and one question asked me to describe my mother in three words. And I sat there, staring at it for a good 5 minutes, unsure of what to say. I finally decided on, "I.Miss.Her."

...It took so much for me to admit that. Cause I haven't wanted to in so long. I still don't want to admit it, but I just have to before it rips me apart. She's hurt me and screwed me over so bad, and yet I still miss the fuck out of her. I just can't bring myself to see her, or try to make amends with her, because it would be setting myself up to get hurt yet again.

Last night I kept thinking about her, and each time I was ready to burst into tears.

: [


How elementary...

Do you remember back in like, 7th grade, there was always a new kid to the school? And somehow you and your friend would meet that new kid at the same time and both get along with them? Well, did it ever turn out that your friend and the new kid became pretty good friends, whereas you and the new kid weren't as good of friends? And you got a little annoyed because you wanted to be their friend, but it just wasn't happening?

...I feel like I have that 7th grade mentality right now. I feel like an idiot for having it too.


A taste of what's to come...

This past weekend was in all aspects of the word, awesome.

I won't tell you all of the details just yet, there needs to be pictures to go with it for you to fully enjoy this story.

But just let me tell you this..

Friday night ended with me sleeping between Mike and Adam, with Adam screaming "SPOON ME WOMAN!"
And Saturday night, despite some drama, was a lovely night. I was a complete shit-show. The night involved some skipping, a dance party, and other crazy events.

Just you wait.


What a devestation..

Can someone please tell me when Trix cereal decided to change the shape of their cereal?!

No longer are there different shapes for each color/"flavor" such as the banana, lime, grape, rasberry, etc.

Now they are all just little balls, like the orange one once was. [and well, still is.]

...I liked them for their shapes

How disappointing.


Rain Rain Go Away!

It has been raining basically since Sunday! What a drag! I hate the rain, and I hate it even more when it's a cold rain. It sucks! I checked the weather, it said it should clear up some time tomorrow. So I'm hoping it does! Mike and I are going to a party Adam is throwing Friday night, should be a good time. Last time, we ended up sleeping in a closet. So I'm curious to see where we end up this time. : ]

Camping! Let me tell you how it went! Well, we were on the road by 3:30mpm. We didn't arrive at the campsite til roughly 10:30pm. Basically because traffic sucked hard on 93 and 95. And we had trouble finding food too, took us about an hour. So, we set up tents in the dark, and realized we couldn't really find much firewood. So we made do with what we could find, and then kicked back to relax finally. Nick and David ended up killing a bottle of Jager between the two of them... things got a bit loud, a neighbor came over and asked us to quiet down, then ended up talking with Nick about camping and the Patriots for 20 minutes. The guy wound up talking louder than everyone else, so then he left. Like I suspected was going to happen, Dave puked up the Jager later. Actually , Mike made him otherwise he would have been a lot more sick. Then we all just crashed.

Woke up in the morning, figured out our plan for the day, and hit the road by late morning. Saw Nick's hometown, met his parents, grabbed some lunch and had a mini tour of things. Then we went to the grocery store for burgers and stuff for dinner that night before heading back to camp. Decided we needed firewood, so we went hiking over to where we could find some. As soon as we started hiking, it started to rain. How lovely. It continued to rain until the next morning. I stayed in the tent, and the boys TRIED to hang around outside. After about an hour or so, Mike came into the tent with me. We watched a movie on the Mac and took a nap for a few hours after dinner. Woke up again around 11, and not long after that Nick and Dave surrendered to the rain and went in their tent as well. They started playing alphabet games with animals, video games, movies, etc. Occasionally they would call out for our help. Being in the tent at that point was slightly miserable, because everything was getting slowly soaked. By the time we were ready to go to sleep, there was only a small section in the middle of the tent that was somewhat dry. So we curled into the fetal positions and tried to sleep. Needless to say, we didn't sleep much. We tossed and turned and were just all around uncomfortable being surrounded by wet things. We woke up before the alarm and just started packing up. We were on the road by 830ish.

It was a decent trip though, even with the rain.

I'll show you some pictures once I get around to getting them from Mike.

But now, I am going to go make some lunch, bundle up in warmer clothes, and take a nap. Gosh, I love naps.


: ]

Still no word about work. I'm waiting to see if I can retake part of a test, if I can't, I can't work there. Bummer! I just filled out an application with Old Navy though. Meh. See what happens with that.

I can't wait for tomorrow. CAMPING FOR THE WEEKEND!!! Off to VT with Mike, Davey, and Nick. I have most of my stuff packed already, I just have to pull the tent down from the attic, and put my clothes in a bag. I have been anxiously waiting for this trip for about two weeks now, I'm so glad that it's finally here.

Had dinner at Dad's last night with mike. Overall, it went really well. After dinner, we went back to Mike's house and watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and fell asleep to A Clockwork Orange. Waking up and actually getting out of bed this morning was a drag. We just wanted to stay in bed all day.

...I love sleeping next to this boy. I love being able to roll over in the middle of the night, and while still sleeping, instinctively get comfortable around him. I love waking up to him rubbing my back, or giving me a kiss.

I say it all the time, but I am so happy with my life right now.

And he's incredible. <3



For the most part, this weekend was lovely. A few minor glitches, but that's just how things go.

I replaced Mike with Jill...

So he replaced me with Davey.

Just a short one today. So much to do, so little time! But I had to share the replacements. : ]